It is worth highlighting systems that allow you to create simple sites with minimal skills and time consuming. These include: Wix, uKit, and Nethouse. These constructors are suitable for beginners and will be the best solution for small businesses. It is more difficult for a beginner to
create a website on Tilda, in addition, this constructor is more expensive, but for the implementation of creative ideas and creating an original design, it can offer much more interesting possibilities.
The designers have conquered the market by giving the user a huge variety of ready-made sections of the site. It remains only to drag the desired section with the mouse to the assembly area, and then fill it with your own unique content. The variety of these tools is so great that the user is given a choice on which platform he will manage his constructor. Yes, sites often become similar to each other, but this flaw is eliminated only by your imagination. With a little tinkering, you can create a completely unique design that is not like the others.